58th Trebnje International Meeting of Naive Artists 10 June 2025, at 11 am

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Launch Date

Call for applications for the 58th International Meeting of Naive Artists

Dead line for applications: 14 February 2025
Duration: 10.–14. 6. 2025

You are hereby invited to participate in the 58th International Meeting of Naive Artists Trebnje.


  • The Meeting is organised by the Trebnje Centre for Education and Culture, the Gallery of Naive Artists Trebnje unit (hereinafter: the organiser).
  • These terms have been adopted by the Professional Council of the organiser.
  • The Meeting will take place from 10 June to 14 June 2025 on the premises of the organiser (Goliev trg 1, 8210 Trebnje, Slovenia).
  • Whenever the term applicant is used in this document, it is written in the masculine grammatical gender, but used in the neutral sense, i.e. for both men and women. Not all languages employ the use of grammatical gender.
  • Applications may be submitted by anyone that meets and agrees with the terms and conditions for the participation in the Meeting.
  • The organiser reserves the right to directly invite artists to attend the Meeting.
  • Self-taught artists are eligible to apply for participation in the Meeting. The option of choosing the technique and the subject of creation is left to the artists.
  • Application forms and terms of participation in the Meeting are available online at http://www.galerijatrebnje.si/; artists can also obtain the forms in person at the address of the organiser. Also valid are copies of application forms. The applicant can request the delivery of the application form and the terms of participation by mail.
  • The applicants must enclose with their application form a biography, evidence of previous projects (catalogues, photographs of the works of art, newspaper articles …), a draft of the planned project (for sculptures) and a list of required materials (canvas, wood, stone …) with exact dimensions.
  • The application form must be filled in legibly. The organiser will use the data for the promotion of the event and other needs (documentation, future exhibitions, etc.). The applicant is obliged to notify the organiser of any changes to the data.
  • Applications can be submitted from the time of publication of the call up to 14 February 2025. The application is valid if it bears a postmark with a date up to and including 14 February 2025.
  • With this application, the applicant agrees that the materials specified in the application form become the property of the organiser.
  • Among the applicants, the Professional Council of the organiser will select up to 10 artist, who will be informed of the selection in writing by 31 March 2025 at the latest.
  • The organiser will provide the invited artists with the working materials detailed in the submitted application, food and accommodation. The organiser will reimburse the artists travel expenses. Travel expense claims must be supported by receipts. Unused material will remain the property of the organiser.
  • Equipment required for the execution of the planned project is provided by the applicant.
  • The organiser accepts applications by e-mail: galerija@ciktrebnje.si or via regular post sent to the following address: Galerija likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje, Goliev trg 1, 8210 Trebnje, Slovenia. The applicants may also personally deliver the applications to the premises of the organiser.
  • The invited artists must arrive at the Trebnje Gallery of Naive Artists by 10 June 2025 until 11 a.m. at the latest, exceptions will be permitted only with the prior agreement of the organiser. Upon arrival, the participants must report at the Gallery, where they will receive a schedule of activities for the duration of the Meeting.
  • Artists may bring a companion. However, the organiser will not bear the arrival, meal, accommodation and other expenses incurred by the companion during the time of the event.
  • Each participating artists donates one work of art to the collection of the organiser upon the completion of the Meeting. The jury of the 58th Meeting must agree on the donated artwork. The donation does not include additional terms and is irrevocable. Under the Copyright and Related Rights Act, the author transfers all material rights to the organiser, while retaining all moral rights.
  • At the 58th Meeting, the Jury Award be awarded.

 The Jury Award

  • Artworks eligible for the Jury Award will be evaluated by the jury. The jury evaluates the works that the participants donated to the Gallery collection.
  • The work of art that receives the most points wins. The jury reserves the right not to grant the award and to grant the award to more than one artist at the same time, but not more than two. The jury may also grant commendation(s), which it shall justify.
  • The jury is appointed by the director of the Trebnje Center for Education and Culture. A member of the jury can also be an external expert.
  • The jury evaluates:
    • originality in the design of the motif,
    • topicality,
    • suitability of the technique used.
  • The Jury Award will be presented at the Meeting: a financial prize in the gross value of 2.000,00 € and one exhibition at the Gallery of Naive Artists Trebnje. The jury can award the prize to a maximum of two artists. The jury decides what share of the award each awarded artist receives. One of the award-winning artists is offered the possibility of a solo exhibition at Gallery.
  • The decisions of the jury are final and irrevocable.
  • The Jury Award/s will be awarded at the conclusion of the 58th Meeting on Saturday, 14 June 2025.
  • Participating artists receive a commemorative plaque at the closing ceremony.
  • The organizer can be reached by phone at the numbers +386 7 34 82 106, +386 31 371 404 and +386 7 34 82 100, at the email address galerija@ciktrebnje.si or at the address Galerija likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje (Goliev trg 1, Trebnje, Slovenia) during the opening hours of the gallery.
  • With the application, the registered authors confirm that the organizer may collect, store, process and publish their personal data for the purposes of accounting processing, fulfilling the obligations of this invitation, for keeping records and statistical processing, producing documents and reporting to the ministry or other supervisory authority, for the needs of the organiser and promotions in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 and 25 of ZVOP-1. The administrator of the collected personal data is the organizer. Registered artists allow the transmission of personal data in a form that does not reveal his/her identity. By signing the application form, the author accepts the stated rules and conditions, confirming that they are familiar with them, and agree that the organizer has the right to demand compensation in the event of a subsequent finding of incorrect or misleading information that significantly influences the jury's decision.

Complete documentation

Your application will be accepted until 14 February 2025. The organiser accepts applications by e-mail: galerija@ciktrebnje.sior via regular post sent to the following address: Galerija likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje, Goliev trg 1, 8210 Trebnje, Slovenia.

Application for is available on this connection.

