- Pogoji uporabe in avtorske pravice
- Uporaba podatkov objavljenih na GalerijaTrebnje.si
- Odkup in prodaja predmetov ter kontakti avtorjev
- Custom shortcodes
- Highly customizable
Pogoji uporabe in avtorske pravice
Vsebine na spletni strani GalerijaTrebnje.si so zaščitene v skladu z Zakonom o avtorskih in sorodnih pravicah. Prepovedano je vsako reproduciranje, shranjevanje, uporaba dela v spremenjeni obliki (predvsem predelave) in dajanje v najem ne glede na to, ali gre za pridobitno ali nepridobitno dejavnost.
Uporaba podatkov objavljenih na GalerijaTrebnje.si
Če želite pridobiti dovoljenje za uporabo materialov iz spletne strani GalerijaTrebnje.si se obrnite na nas.
Odkup in prodaja predmetov ter kontakti avtorjev
Galerija likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje ni prodajna galerija, zato likovnih del iz zbirke ne prodajamo. Likovnih del prav tako ne sprejemamo v komisijsko prodajo.
Za morebiten nakup likovnega dela se obrnite na prodajne galerije ali na avtorje. Kontaktni podatki avtorjev so z njihovim dovoljenjem objavljeni na tej spletni strani.
Pane 4 content
Phasellus eget justo lacus. Vivamus pharetra ullamcorper massa, nec ultricies metus gravida egestas. Duis congue viverra arcu, ac aliquet turpis rutrum a. Donec semper vestibulum dapibus. Integer et sollicitudin metus. Vivamus at nisi turpis.
Pane 5 content
Donec semper vestibulum dapibus. Integer et sollicitudin metus. Vivamus at nisi turpis. Phasellus vel tellus id felis cursus hendrerit. Suspendisse et arcu felis, ac gravida turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Ut porta rhoncus ligula, sed fringilla felis feugiat eget. In non purus quis elit iaculis tincidunt. Donec at ultrices est.
- Spletni piškotki
- Pravna podlaga
- What are cookies?
- What cookies are used by this website?
- How to enable or disable cookies?
Spletni piškotki
Spletni portal GalerijaTrebnje.si za svoje nemoteno delovanje uporablja piškotke. To so majhne datoteke, ki se ob obisku naše spletne strani shranijo na disk vašega računalnika, njihov namen pa je izboljšanje delovanja spletne strani in s tem tudi uporabniške izkušnje ter spremljanje in analiza obiska spletne strani.
Pravna podlaga
Piškotki niso novost, je pa spremenjeni Zakon o elektronskih komunikacijah (Uradni list št. 109/2012; v nadaljevanju ZEKom-1), ki je začel veljati v začetku leta 2013, prinesel nova pravila glede uporabe piškotkov in podobnih tehnologij za shranjevanje informacij ali dostop do informacij, shranjenih na računalniku ali mobilni napravi uporabnika.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files containing information from your visit to the website.
Cookies facilitate and simplify the interaction between the user and the website. They allow the website to remember the individual’s preferences and activity, thereby saving time and contributing to more efficient and user-friendly browsing.
First among the many reasons to use cookies is their ability to store information on the individual website (language selection, number of hits, font size, etc.). In addition to this, they also facilitate the implementation of web services (registration, content of shopping carts, e-news subscriptions, video viewing, etc.) and the collection of information on web users’ habits (number of visits, content interesting to users, etc.). All of these help us to improve user experience as well as estimate the efficiency of the website design.
None of the cookies used on our websites collect information that would reveal your personal identity.
For transparency’s sake, we have made a list of all of the cookies that we use and their purposes. Please keep in mind that by further use of this website you are agreeing with the use of the listed cookies.
What cookies are used by this website?
Cookies help us display the content, contact forms, shopping carts and other essential elements of website.
These cookies are only valid during the session.
UID cookie, used by the comScore service to help measure audience size.
The uvc cookie is one of the cookies used to track usage of the Addthis.com service. It allows a user to share a webpage with many social sites.Those cookies have a validity of 1 day.
Google Analytics is a service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about a website's traffic and traffic sources and measures conversions and sales. The gathered information are not personally identifiable. An example of the cookies: _atuvc, _utma, _utmc, _utmz.
How to enable or disable cookies?
Cookies will not be used to collect information relating to your personal identity. If you wish to, you can change the settings on the use of cookies in your computer’s browser.
Most modern browsers allow you to either accept or refuse all cookies, accept or refuse particular types of cookies or receive a warning when a website wants to store a cookie of your device. In addition, you can also delete the cookies that the browser has already stored on your device.
Keep in mind that in the event you disable cookies, website functionalities may be impaired, and the message on the use of cookies will appear every time you visit, which will in the long term affect your user experience.
The changing of cookie settings is different in every browser. You can find detailed information here: