The origins and history of the Meeting

The International Meeting of Naive Artists Trebnje was founded in 1968 on the initiative of the municipal political and cultural workers of the time. (For more information on the founders and legal formalities, see the gallery's catalogue »Podobe zbirke Galerije likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje, 2017«".)

The organisers of the Meeting wanted to bring together Slovenian naive artists and provide a space for them to meet and exchange opinions. The Gallery of Naive Artists Trebnje was founded shortly afterwards, in 1971, with the aim of preserving the works created at the Meetings.

The Meeting was called the Tabor Slovenskih naivnih umetnikov for the first year and was later renamed several times. Since 1992, it has been called the Mednarodni tabor likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje (International Meeting of Naive Artists Trebnje).

From the very beginning, the professional work of the Meeting was taken care of by an artistic expert council, which consisted of renowned art historians and art critics, among others Dr. Zoran Kržišnik and Dr. Mirko Jutršek.

The Meeting is traditionally held annually. It is designed as a multi-day gathering and creative activity of invited artists, who apply to a call for applications and are selected by an expert panel.

The Meeting was and still is the only institution in Slovenia that allows naive/self-taught artists to network and exchange opinions. With a tradition of more than half a century, it is considered a special place in the wider European area.

